In order for us to be able to present a report before September, the report would have to be finalized before then. Our analysts are working terribly hard for us and we are very grateful.
I do not know if it will be possible to have a report ready before September. However, we will be able to continue our studies when we resume in September, as we have done during this session. If there is a change, I will certainly advise you.
Are there any other comments on the plan?
I think we can do this. I'll have the clerk send it around with a little game plan. If we're disciplined, I think we can get everything done.
Good? Perfect.
With that, I want to thank everyone.
MP Baldinelli, thanks for that catch at the start. I was going right to the rounds. It was a little bit of a news day today, so I was a little distracted.
Thank you, everyone, for your time today.
To the analysts, of course, thank you for your great work.
Mike and everyone in the room, thank you.
I would also like to thank the interpreters.
With that, I call this meeting adjourned.