Madam Chair, let me point out that the comment Mr. Ehsassi just made was in bad faith. I believe he understands very well that the motion was made in an emergency. If the urgency is the central element and the meaning of my motion is distorted, obviously I am going to oppose it. That is what happened.
You are the all-around winner as far as your goal to buy time is concerned, Mr. Ehsassi. I find it petty that you are blaming me by raising a procedural issue. Honestly, I find this attitude unacceptable, but that's your prerogative.
For now, my motion is clear. Let's go to a vote to withdraw the motion. If I don't get unanimous consent, I will ask that the word “immediately” be removed from the motion so as to preserve the essence of the committee's work. That is all I am arguing for right now. If we can't fast-track, for God's sake, can we at least maintain the integrity of what we're doing?