Well, one of the ways to help small and medium-sized businesses is to ensure that our larger businesses are transitioning to net zero and are doing so in a transparent and comprehensive fashion.
Let me explain what I mean by that. The extent to which the larger companies include not just their own emissions from their activities but also the power scope 2 emissions, as you're familiar with, but also scope 3 emissions, very importantly—in other words, the emissions of their major suppliers and downstream customers—that creates an alignment of incentives between the various companies that can promote the reduction of those emissions.
With regard to elements that are associated with the disclosure of those emissions, I referenced in my opening comments the TCFD disclosure requirements. I also referenced net-zero transition plans, and the comprehensive plans that companies have that increasingly Canadians are putting in place. I referenced consistent requirements for the financial sector, including, very importantly, banks, which are, of course, the biggest source of finance for small and medium-sized enterprises. That could create an alignment and provide capital for exactly the type of emissions reductions....
If I may, as a final point, this is the heart of the publicly disclosed, publicly available, universally applied COP26 private finance strategy, for which I serve the UN.