Thank you. Maybe just at the very highest level I'll say that we really see our role in helping our industry contribute to the quality of life of communities right across this country, while we're enriching the lives of our visitors [Technical difficulty—Editor] people and places of our land.
We have four pillars that will not only help us address short-term opportunities but also position us in the long term. First of all is ensuring that we have the social licence of Canadians to welcome visitors back into communities. Second is that we are doing things to increase the vitality of our industry over time. Part of that is focusing on a higher-value traveller who will increase their spending in Canada and help us sustain well-paid jobs in the country.
Third is that we focus on brand resonance to make sure that what Canada can offer as an experience remains competitive internationally and that we have budgets that support our ability to compete on a marketing level in the short term. Finally, the fourth pillar of our strategy is really around creating legendary experiences. We have many in this country already and we want to continue to have the work of our economic development agencies invested in those experiences to ensure that we can compete [Technical difficulty—Editor] because having the right product is what will make us competitive over the longer haul.
We have a role to play now in helping strategize around that to create demand-informed strategies and to work with regional development agencies to ensure that we are positioning our industry well for the future.