Absolutely, and I will tell you that the most frustrating part of this file hasn't been figuring out the diverse range of ways that people are underserved or underconnected. It's that previous programs, as small as they were, did not keep track of data. There was no baseline for us to work from.
What this program also includes, colleagues, is a partnership with StatsCan. We'll be rolling that out in conjunction with the program to keep track of the households, businesses and communities that are connected and of how they benefit. The service providers themselves are asked to report quarterly to show progress moving forward, and there's also a tracker where you can go and see, per community, per project, which stage of development each project is at.
What my colleague is asking for is entirely reasonable. That transparency is key. For the first time ever, these projects are being counted, measured and reported on because it's a big investment, and a lot is riding on it.