The SWIFT project and the EORN project are examples of aggregator projects that connect regions. I have been in conversation with both the Eastern Ontario Wardens' Caucus and the Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus, as well as the team at EORN and the team at SWIFT. What we have spoken about with them was, first, how exciting their projects are, and second, how important it is to connect their communities and their regions. Third, my team and I will do everything we can to find ways to support their projects.
As you can appreciate, MP Nater, it's hard to commit to a project that we have not fully seen. That due diligence is a really important part of investing these dollars wisely but, of course, we will give due consideration to every project that comes forward.
I am getting the yellow card from our wonderful chair.
MP Nater, if you ever want to talk about these projects and how we can work together on an issue that crosses every single jurisdiction in our country, my virtual door is always open.