Madam Chair, we are confident that it's a doable outcome. We have done the quite detailed mapping that my colleague Mr. Dagenais talked about earlier, so we actually know what the gap is and where the gap is.
My organization has played a regulatory role in this sector. We deal with the ISPs and the telecom companies every day; we work with them and know their capabilities. The 98% is a confident projection based on our understanding—a fairly technical and detailed understanding—of the gaps, the capabilities of the ISPs and what's realistic and affordable, and the amount of money needed to close the gap. Therefore, we're pretty confident about that.
In terms of the speed, we've worked to make sure, to the extent possible, there's a common intake process. The Infrastructure Bank's form is basically our form. Ontario's form looks like our form. We actually work quite closely with other levels of government to have this be a harmonized and smooth process. We have a federal coordinating table, so all the federal players are getting around the table regularly. We have this pathfinder service to actually hold the hand of groups that want to make an application, because for smaller organizations it is complicated. Doing a big infrastructure project is complicated and we want to make sure that we're there at every step of the way to help these organizations through it.
We're quite confident. Thank you.