I want to thank you for the RRRF program, as I mentioned before. I'm glad to hear that you won't be reducing the funding allocated to CFDCs, strictly speaking.
The Bloc Québécois believes that regional development has to be administered by the regions. Decisions affecting the future of Quebec's regions have to be made in Quebec. As we have previously stated, our position is as follows:
Canada's role is limited to what is laid out in the Constitution: transferring funding to Quebec for matters under Quebec's jurisdiction and deferring to Quebec's proximity and effectiveness in areas of shared jurisdiction.
I'd like to talk about support for innovation within Quebec's borders. Where do you stand on setting up a regional development and economic diversification fund to support the processing of natural resources in Quebec? The fund could be administered by and for the regions, through regional round tables made up of economic and organizational stakeholders, in co-operation with the Quebec government.