Thank you for the question. I think it's important that I just quickly recharacterize what our decision is.
We had a large process whereby we received multiple submissions about what the correct costs were. We established interim rates while we deliberated on those, and ultimately we chose costs that resulted in reductions to the proposed costs filed by the incumbent companies. The interim rates, once they're made final, go back to the first point and parties are made whole. I just characterized it slightly differently.
As to the issue of why they're not in place, as you mentioned the courts had a stay until recently. In the applications for review and vary made to us, there were also requests for a stay. We didn't address those at the time because there was a stay imposed by the court. Once the court removed its stay, we had to consider those, and based on the applications made before us, they met the test and we granted the stay until we finish our work.