I think you are right that we need a paradigm shift around this, but I think it's also well under way. This is the second time we've been invited to speak before this committee this year about the need for connectivity and bridging the digital divide in Canada. I think the conversation has shifted. We understand that the Internet is essential. I don't think there's anyone here who disagrees. I think, really, we just need to figure out how to move forward and make it happen.
When we look at issues like spectrum, the spectrum in Canada has largely been licensed. People have paid for those licences, but that doesn't mean everyone has access to cellphone services in their areas. There are large areas where it's not being deployed. I think looking at things like “use it or lose it” policies, to make sure those areas have access to that spectrum, if they're not being served, is put forward.... I think looking at a number of other solutions, including supporting choice and supporting affordability, will help us step beyond trying to have the conversation around “if” we need the Internet and really getting concrete around “how” to make it happen, as quickly and effectively as possible, in those areas that don't have it.