I just wanted to explain the Quebec government's rules.
Technically, you have to be in quarantine for a week before December 24, if you want to be able to visit your family. That would bring us to December 17. So it would be possible for me to meet in person, here in Ottawa, on December 14, 15, or 16. Even though Parliament is closed, it would not prevent us from being able to take part in the work of the committee.
As for the number of meetings, that would depend on the will of the committee. I should mention that we wanted to propose other topics. The emergency motion is certainly going to make us use up all our time today. I was counting on today to really be able to report on Internet access, and on Bell representatives being here. You know that I find this issue extremely important. I wanted to show you how much of an impact it could have on the motion we have already passed.
Can we meet with the representatives from Bell earlier than scheduled? If not, I will live with it. We are in the politics business, not the certainty business. Unexpected things happen, but this issue concerns me and I would like the committee to recognize that.