Thank you, Madam Chair.
I would like to add one factor to this parallel debate.
As I see it, we have one essential meeting left in order to comply with the spirit of the motion we as a committee have adopted. It is to have a minimum of two meetings to conclude the topic of high-speed Internet access before December 14. In that way, we could produce a report that would be finished and translated during the break, ready for our return in January. Then we could table it in the House in February.
The potential election window would not make our work null and void. In my opinion, it is critical.
In my view, we absolutely must have a meeting, the one that we had scheduled for today. We have an elephant in the room, and its name is Bell. Having players like Telus, Videotron and Rogers at its side seems essential to me.
I do not feel that we can complete the subject if we have not met with Bell. Consequently, my wish for us is to be able to table a report, as we had the opportunity to do on Friday. I was very proud when Ms. Romanado rose in the House to say that our committee had submitted a report. That is why we do the work. That is why we invite witnesses and make recommendations. We must be able to get this done.
I feel that it is extremely important to invite the Competition Commissioner. I will have a lot of questions for him. If I were to establish an order, because that's what this time issue is all about, I would like us to finish what we voted on previously: the study on Internet accessibility and affordability, and the cellular network in rural regions.
After that, if we have meetings in the week after the 14th, we can hear from the Competition Commissioner then, or in January.