Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Thank you to the witnesses for coming today.
You of course have heard from my colleagues a number of our frustrations in relation to competition in Canada, whether it be the large grocery chains or the large purveyors of telecommunication systems. Certainly this committee has heard what I think a lot of us may feel—certainly I do—that somehow, competition isn't working very well.
I'm very pleased to hear that since May 2019 you've been working on some suggestions for Minister Bains to potentially amend the legislation. You've given us a few hints of some areas where you may be going with that—codes of conduct, a convergence with our largest trading partner, the United States, etc.
I'm interested in the enforcement side. If you feel there's a civil case, you go to the Competition Tribunal. If potentially criminal charges might be laid, you go through the director of public prosecutions. Do you see any changes there that could be helpful for your work and that you may be looking at for the future as well?