Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Thank you for that presentation.
You were mentioning that part of your job is to protect consumers throughout the pandemic. Throughout the pandemic, we've seen food security issues in some places in the country. We've seen issues with grocery giants trying to gouge producers and food processors, and we've heard testimony of this at the agriculture committee as well, from folks who are in the industry. We've seen record profits by the grocery giants. We're talking about nearly $350 million by one grocer in the last quarter. We're talking about a 12.5% increase from last year in their profits.
At the same time, Metro, Loblaws and Walmart want to impose extra fees on top of the fees they already charge processors and farmers for the privilege of selling to their stores and supplying them with goods, at a time of a pandemic when food security is of utmost priority. I have asked the Prime Minister about this. He said that he was going to ask the Competition Bureau to investigate the fees that are charged to producers and processors by grocery giants.
Has he asked you to investigate this with respect to the grocery retailers?