We don't. We are not client facing. I think this is important to say. We are basically a data aggregator. We create the pipes in the country from an application like Questrade or Wealthsimple to the banks.
It's something we believe every company should have. It's something we see, again, in every other jurisdiction that has an open banking regime. There should be a clear remedy and a clear section on a website or an app that says what remedies and what privacy programs are in place to protect the consumer.
If a consumer feels there was foul play and they need to be made whole, they can consult these policies in real time. It's also a way to unburden any tribunal or entity by making sure that the person checks with the company first.
As a privacy company, we do have one, but it's not as detailed as it should be. We encourage section 9 being put in place. We believe that every company participating in that ecosystem should have some form of remedy in place.