Yes, of course.
Again, I find it a bit too broad. As an operator of a business, I think we should want some clarity on and criteria for what is in the public interest. We don't want to have a backlash from that, trying to create our own product where we find it doesn't fit the public interest, so I would welcome criteria and exceptions on clear public interest.
Again, there was the example I gave to Mr. Williams earlier. If I can benefit from a new program that will save me money automatically, but I have to commit by this deadline, is it in my clear interest? It probably is, because I'm going to save money, but is it also a commercial interest? Yes.
This is the kind of clarification that we want to have because, as I mentioned, the premise of open banking is about trust and being empowered with regard to your data so that you always know where your data is and you always know where there is consent. If suddenly someone is on board some program that he did not consent to or he is being sent direct marketing stuff that he did not consent to, this is not what the premise of open banking is, and this is, therefore, how you lose trust.
This is why we want clarification on what the public interest is, as well as exceptions and cases to show how we can navigate through that. Thank you for the question.