I think this is the central challenge. You need to figure out....
We're having this same conversation in competition, namely, of how do we adjust to the digital economy? That's a word I don't like. It's the new economy, which has a lot of digital artifacts. There's a lot of experimentation happening internationally. People are trying different things. Part of that is because we have different legal structures, institutional structures and cultures.
I think the balance that has to be struck is this: There are probably a small number of things—and you are the elected representatives who have to make that assessment for the country—that really matter to us, as Canadians, and that might be unique to us. Monsieur Lemire evoked our linguistic identity and the cultural specificity of Quebec, but there are other things that might be very important to us. Think of our indigenous communities. If those are very important, we have to bake them into our system. Then, internationally, what we try to do is make sure we're aligned on most of the big things. We can have a couple of things that are very important to us, and maybe we have special rules about these, but we need to have general alignment, because otherwise it doesn't work.
The challenge is making sure we take those general-agreement principles and translate them into operational legal rules. I guess I'm a bit of a nuts-and-bolts lawyer for that kind of thing. We have to be cognizant of the structural and legal limitations of our system.
We exist in a federation. I want to make one point about regulating everything. There is a division of powers, and a lot of regulation has to come from the provinces. Let's be very clear: This bill is centred on interprovincial and international trade, and on criminal law power that doesn't cover everything. Co-operative federalism is going to be essential.
International co-operation is important, but we also have to agree in the federation.