To add to Bianca's point, I want to take us back four years ago, when Element AI was heavily invested in by the public and the private sector. It's a case that we just do not speak about anymore in Canada and Quebec. This is to Bianca's point about who owns the infrastructure and who owns the data centre versus the datasets. Again, without big tech, there may not be AI, but I would argue that without the military there would be no AI, because that's where it comes from, like most technology.
Element AI was a darling of Canada. In the end, the space that we had in the regulatory framework for competition did not allow it to survive. What happened? It was acquired by ServiceNow, a Silicon Valley company that does, frankly, worker surveillance.
I would like to know exactly, when we move on to this new ideation, what more shared prosperity in competition looks like across SMEs and big companies. I would like to reflect on the failures of AI in Canada within the industry space, and see where we went wrong and what happened to the massive amount of funding and government spending to prop up our industry with all the AI research expertise we have, with all of the centres of excellence. We should reflect on this before we even go and ideate on how competition should look. We should reflect on what happened, especially with Element AI.