It is a question that certainly I've asked as the deputy minister, and it's a good question to ask in a situation like this.
I'll mention a couple of things. One is that in carefully reviewing the results of the RCGT report, the department did formulate a fairly detailed management response and action plan, which we've given to SDTC. I would say that's part of the response to your question in the sense that we've looked through all the concerns that have been raised by RCGT and asked ourselves questions: How can the organization directly address these issues? Are there things that can be done differently? For example, can we strengthen some of the language in the contribution agreement to make sure that some of those issues are dealt with?
I would say that in the constellation of organizations that ISED supports, SDTC is somewhat unusual in the sense that it's a shared-governance corporation. For example, with a lot of the organizations we support, we have a contribution agreement. The funds go to an organization for a specific purpose. In this case, though, the organization is for all intents and purposes in the private sector and is sort of at arm's length. The board makes most of the decisions. The board decides how to spend the money and so on.
The contribution agreements that we have with other organizations aren't necessarily directly analogous, but we still think it's a good question to ask whether there are things we can be learning more generally for the other contribution agreements we have. We are certainly undertaking that work now.