On August 25, this is what was said: “The overall thematic is kind of where we've come to sort of understand...as well, which is that there's a lot of sloppiness and laziness, and there's some outright incompetence, and the situation is...untenable at this point, and that doesn't even include any of the allegations related to the way in which the place is managed. Just on the basis of the administration of the agreement, the governance, the conflict of interest and shoddy management of the COI, the situation is untenable.”
On September 1, there was this:
The report implicates the board in terrible ways. By not following process, by not following the COI regime and by not being prudent fiduciaries, they've missed out on so many [issues]. It's...a board failure altogether...and this is how we're briefing it. This is how it's well understood by us and the deputies, and I think it's understood by PCO as well, because it's not the first time they've seen this kind of situation.
The final one is on September 29.
Since we last spoke, most of the week, for us, has been involved in finalizing the briefing to the minister. Obviously, there's been verbal briefs from the deputy to the chief of staff and to the minister himself, just so he gets a heads-up as to what's coming, and that's resulted in tweaking to the briefing package and all that...stuff.