Yes. I'm speaking about the MP—the Conservative House leader, if I'm not mistaken.
In terms of the practices put in place, we need to always try our best to be what I would say is above board and even leave a big gap of space where you're even more above board, if I can say that.
I think in this case practices may have been followed that.... I haven't read all the minutes, as some of my other colleagues have done, but I've tried to delve in as much as possible. That is what Canadians expect. They expect it from their MPs. They expect it from individuals who are making decisions utilizing the funds of taxpayers, in this case in SDTC, to invest in Canadian companies.
The fact is that at SDTC the track record is actually quite good. I'm a finance person. I have read everything or have tried to read everything at SDTC. The track record of investing in Canadian technologies, especially your early-stage Canadian companies, is really, really good. It's really unfortunate that the practice on the governance side, whether the context was COVID or non-COVID, was not as robust as I would have liked it to be and so forth.
I will stop there, Mr. Chair.