Hi. Thank you very much for that question. I think it's a very important one.
One of the things that Catherine and I have both emphasized—and it goes back to a remark that was just made about a lack of legal frameworks—is that there actually are some legal frameworks that exist at the international level, particularly international humanitarian law, which puts limits on different means and methods of warfare, including ones that have already been created, ones that are emerging and ones that will be created in the future.
The reason I mention this is that there may be questions around interpretation. There may be questions around compliance with international humanitarian law, depending on the context you're dealing with or different actors that are being referred to. What doesn't change is that the rules remain set in stone; they're firm. There are going to be complications, of course, around different interpretations, but there is a baseline. There is a de minimis set of rules that the international community has agreed to, particularly with regard to the use of artificial intelligence in situations of armed conflict, and that legal framework is international humanitarian law. That's one response for your consideration.
Thank you.