I actually agree with Mr. Masse to a large degree.
I think Mr. Lemire has been waiting patiently. I think three out of the four parties in this meeting have agreed to do a study on this topic that is fulsome and thorough and have agreed that it is a priority. I would suggest that it's a way forward. The Conservatives wanted to do this study and Mr. Lemire has a more sufficient motion, which is on the docket of things to study.
Why don't we move to amend that to be inclusive of what Mr. Perkins and others have suggested here? I think that seems to be a better way forward to get us to a consensus. Perhaps it's not sufficient to have CEOs appear all together. It might be advantageous to have them appear one at a time if that's what the committee desires. I think Mr. Lemire's motion may allow us to do that as well.
That's what I would suggest as a way forward here. I don't know whether Mr. Perkins does not like getting what he wanted. It seems strange that we would have an ability to move forward and then have resistance. It's not really about the wording or who put the motion forward. If we're working on behalf of Canadians and we have a way forward and we agree on doing this study, then let's get it done. Let's move to Mr. Lemire's motion and amend that.
Thank you once again.