I believe so, yes.
One of the concerns I have right now with the definitions that have been proposed is that some of them are a bit broad and some of them are a bit more focused. For example, there's one that relates to health care, and it basically says “anything in health care”. Scale AI has funded 15 projects in health care that have to do with everything from scheduling operating rooms to keeping the lights on at the hospital, and so on. I don't think this is what the drafters had in mind when they were talking about high-impact systems. For example, number two, relating to providing a service, 100% of what's available to us technologically is a service of some sort, so are we now making the entire ecosystem “high-impact”?
There are knobs and dials that need to be adjusted on this, but I do believe there needs to be a balance between what's in the regulation and what's in the law, just from a point of view of having Canadian businesses able to understand what they're supposed to be doing.