Thank you.
As to the data commissioner in proposed section 33 of the legislation, I'm particularly concerned about this, largely because in other panels we've heard—and it's well known—that the Government of Canada doesn't have the intellectual capacity to regulate AI.
I'm concerned that in this legislation we're going to be giving very broad powers to regulators, and in some cases, the minister may divest those powers—in the current form of the proposed bill—to an artificial intelligence and data commissioner who reports directly to the minister. I'm concerned about this relationship because it may create a conflict between multiple objectives contained in the Department of Industry, namely economic development and protecting citizens from online harms in this case.
Would any of the panellists be able to comment on whether they believe an artificial intelligence and data commissioner, in the context of artificial intelligence, may be better served if that individual or future government organization reports directly to Parliament and not to the Minister of Industry?