That's my job.
Basically, when we took over the Freedom side, there were two things. First of all, there was the current price that Freedom was putting in front. I'll give you an example. We were selling about 50 gigabytes for $65 on a non-5G network with non-nationwide coverage. A few weeks after we took over, we implemented 5G nationwide everywhere, and we increased the competitive package by a large margin.
Now, if you compare it to the promise that we made, basically, to the department when we took over the transaction.... I'll give you an example. We swore that we would never sell a package of 25 gigabytes for over $68. Today we sell that same package with twice the data—so 50 gigabytes instead of 25 gigabytes—for $34. That's half the price that we promised in our commitment. We also offer roaming in the U.S. in that same price.
This is what Canadians have access to right now. They can get much lower prices than, honestly, have ever happened in Canada before.