Just to make sure we have the same numbers, you mentioned 2.3 million customers. We have 3.8 million when you combine Videotron and Freedom, and we're growing every day.
We look forward to continuing to make sure that we'll be able to serve Canadians as best as possible with, again, the best prices. I guess that seeing those numbers shows that, at the end of the day, money talks, and when we're able to offer better prices, Canadians will get new services. This has been our experience since taking over Freedom.
We mentioned 5G. It's certainly something of importance. We're growing our network. We're considering that we will continue to grow. In the meantime, what we need to have...and this is something where, again, the incumbents are always delaying. These are the strategies that we have been facing for so many years. Instead of having access to MVNO with the price we need to get and then to build after the policy, this is what the CRTC said: “You'll buy spectrum.” As you'll probably remember, the price is very expensive.
If you are a telecom operator, you have the right to buy spectrum. Once you buy the spectrum, you have the obligation to build, and the time frame to do this is seven years, so we're in this window. We think we should start with MVNO. This is what the thinking of the CRTC was, because you cannot build your network in two days or a weekend. You need to build day after day, week after week and month after month. In fact, it's like we did in Quebec, because when we started, we had nothing. We started building our network, and today we have full-fledged 5G across the province.
We look forward, again, to continuing the same strategy we've been able to have in Quebec, and we started with MVNO, with those operators—