I get that, but the only price announcements I've seen are the ones that have shown it going up. You mentioned some disturbing things that the Competition Bureau is watching with regard to the fact that Freedom doesn't seem to be rolling out their network. Our concerns, of course, were that the history of Quebecor and Vidéotron was that they were actually arbitraging spectrum by buying it from the government and then selling it at considerable profit. Our skepticism is still there about whether or not there will actually be a fourth or third national carrier.
I'm wondering if you could explain a little more. One of the things that you raised a concern about in that merger was that Rogers-Shaw in B.C. in particular had over 40% market share, and yet the tribunal said that this was no big deal. I think any time any large oligopoly has 40% or more market share, it's a big deal. Now you're saying they're not even offering the price that was there, that was part of the bundling. Has that resulted in people, particularly in British Columbia, seeing their pricing going up?