A lot of this has to be driven by the private sector. My own approach here, as I mentioned in my prepared remarks—or my unprepared remarks, because I didn't really read from the speech—is to have a regulatory environment that supports and facilitates that.
We want to be careful that we don't make the same mistakes as we have in some other mining operations and put the cart before the horse. We have to start producing these, and I take your point. There has to be a plan for life after electric vehicles. The legacy with respect to nuclear technologies is fast becoming “what do we do around nuclear waste management?”
It's an important point. It's one that should be given the kind of deference by provincial and federal governments to plan and prepare for, but it's not all on me, bro, right?
We all have to be in this together and I hope that question is as rhetorical as it would be for our jurisdiction to address in the not-too-distant future.