Continued guidance and jurisprudence help flesh out the responsibilities that will be borne out or that are being identified and adopted through this piece of legislation. By making the broad parameter that children's information or the information of those under the age of 18 is sensitive, thus requiring a higher bar for its treatment, protection and use will get fleshed out by guidance and by jurisprudence as to how companies have to interact with that obligation.
The degree to which modern and new technologies...and this is why it's very important that the law remains technologically neutral, means that there will be new tools that will allow for this information to be used in ways that we don't anticipate right now. Broad definitions, like personal information is information about someone or that an automated decision-making system is a decision that uses information to automatically make a determination about you, are useful because it means that people are held to those standards.
I concur that each of these use cases is going to be very particular to what you signed up for, what you agreed to, what you said and what's happening to your personal information. The general constructs that we're getting, particularly today, include inference and the roles by which your information may live in a broader dataset that is still being used to make determinations about you. This means you may have some recourse or right as it relates to your privacy therein.