Thank you.
I'll touch on a few points within the bulleted list to offer some considerations, starting with (d), for example. The reference here is to “genetic data or biometric data”. In this instance, it would likely be more appropriate to reference “information” rather than “data”. Information is in keeping with the terminology of the CPPA. Data and information are not always interchangeable, data being more broad and unstructured, whereas information is generally understood to be structured data, and it's a form that can be used. That's one consideration on item (d).
On (f), the reference here is to “government identifiers”, such as “social security, passport or driver's license numbers”. In an effort to be more aligned with Canadian law, you'd probably want to go with “social insurance number” rather than “social security”. There are some questions about the information contained in a passport and whether it needs to be specifically identified as such, given that it already has what would be considered sensitive information in it.
On driver's licence numbers, the OPC guidance itself references the fact that in Alberta and B.C. the licence number “has little or no significance or meaning in terms of...personal information attributes”. Therefore, it would be an odd thing to include in a national statute a reference to driver's licence numbers when the OPC itself has noted that in at least two provinces today driver's licences don't contain what it would consider to be sensitive information.
Referencing (g), “the content of their electronic devices”, this is another interesting one where it's not in OPC guidance. The OPC has recognized there can be sensitive information, but that all information on a device wouldn't necessarily be sensitive de facto. Again, on a photo in physical terms versus a photo on an electronic device, why it would make it more sensitive just because it's on an electronic device is a question worth pondering. It's setting up dual standards. Setting up standards that are not technologically neutral would run afoul of the purpose of the act.
On passwords, which is point (h), it's worth pointing out again that there's a concern here about tech neutrality. Over time, other ways to protect accounts have been developed. Passwords are increasingly challenged in terms of how secure they are, especially as we move toward a world where quantum and cryptographic hacking techniques are stronger. Password-free types of technology, including multifactor authentication, are often used. Again, it's an issue here about the sensitivity of the information, the sensitivity of the log-in information. In some jurisdictions—in California, for example—the password is sensitive only when it gives access to certain types of accounts that are sensitive.
Then, on “financial data”, as Mr. Schaan has already pointed out, there are a number of uses for financial data, including between creditors. Specifically, in the Supreme Court reference Mr. Schaan just gave, there was a very specific case about this exact nature, when one financial institution had in fact the right—an obligation—to disclose the credit status of an individual. You can imagine that seeking express consent could actually curtail what are perfectly appropriate business activities.