As it relates to financial data, I'll start, and then I'll turn to my colleagues to talk a bit about the treatment of financial data and information under the GDPR, because I know that was raised as a contrasting issue.
It's important to note that our system is somewhat unique in the sense that once a piece of personal information is deemed to be sensitive, it requires express consent, and it's not just express consent for it's collection; it's express consent for its collection, use and disclosure. That means express consent is required for its initial gathering from an individual and for its ongoing use. Then, when it needs to be disclosed to a party who is not the party who collected it, including in the process of business practices, express consent is required again.
Financial data and information is an extremely wide category. It includes transaction data. It includes information related to whether or not you hold more than one mortgage. It relates to a whole host of information that is, essentially, personal information that ties you to any type of financial transaction, of which there are many.
This would require express consent for every single collection, use and disclosure of that information. As an example, if I have an ongoing payment history with my bank and they need to use a third party processor, as many do for the purpose of continuing to use the transaction data, that would require express consent for every single one of the disclosures along the chain. It's not just when I first sign up for my bank account or even make the transaction; it is going to be required at every single step of the way. It is quite a broad category.
I think it's important to note the distinction between this express consent obligation and the varieties of ways in which processing and data information processing are allowed under the GDPR. For that, I'll turn to my colleagues, who can further enunciate why it hasn't gummed up the EU system. In part, it's because it's not understood in the same ways.
I'll turn it over to my colleagues.