That's a very good question.
I know the committee had the privilege of getting the CEO of Rio Tinto Aluminum, Mr. Pécresse, here. When you move from the lab to the shop floor and you start scaling the production, obviously, I think, when you see these kinds of investments, which are transformational, the schedule sometimes moves a bit depending on how quickly you can scale, but I have all the confidence that they will be producing on track as soon as possible, and you need to make sure, as you go through the different steps.... There's kind of a critical path to achieve what you want to achieve, and you need to make sure they're on that path. They have some of the best experts in the world. Like I said, you have two champions, the two largest—well, among the two largest—companies in the world, working together on that.
I think we have the best people to do that. I'm very confident. The exact timeline, as Monsieur Pécresse said, is very difficult, because you have new technology. This is a breakthrough after a century. This is not a small thing to achieve, but I know the destination is that we're going to be the first and the largest producer of green aluminum. I think we should all be proud of that.