It seems pretty counter to what I've heard some members on this committee say they would like to be able to protect, which is the fundamental right to privacy.
I really appreciate your testimony. This is the last thing I'll ask, because it's still nagging in my mind.
I think Mr. Williams and Mr. Vis implied that the OPC doesn't want a tribunal. I think Ms. Angus said that's not exactly correct. Can you just square that for us, because it seems like it's a fundamental disagreement here?
Where does the current Privacy Commissioner, Mr. Dufresne, who I have a lot of respect for...? I would love to know how we ensure....
What is the Privacy Commissioner's perspective on the tribunal? Can you give us just the highest overview of that again? I know you've already told us, but it seems like there's a difference of opinion about what the Privacy Commissioner has said, and it would be helpful just to clear that up once and for all, if possible.