One thing that also occurs to me is this: From an access to justice perspective, if the OPC were not involved and performing its investigative role in cases where you're bypassing the OPC and pursuing a private right of action through the courts, you're essentially having to spend more money and, I would think, wait longer. We're talking about individual people whose privacy rights have been violated. At least, they feel this has happened. They're seeking compensation for the harms done to them, and we're saying, “You can go through the court system—which may be more favourable—if you feel like it, but it's going to be more time-intensive and costly, and you may not get the decision you're looking for, obviously.”
Doesn't that also create another asymmetry? Some people might be motivated to go to the OPC in one respect, if they're lower-income or don't have the resources. If they have the resources, they might find themselves paying costly fees going through the court system. Would that not be the case?