We've discussed several international examples, but also domestic and other federal examples where tribunals are used.
I'll start with domestic. The CAI, which is the privacy regulator in Quebec, is an administrative tribunal. It operates extremely efficiently and is able to reach the outcomes that you outlined.
Within the federal system, there are many examples of tribunals. We have the CRTC, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, which is responsible for administering the Broadcasting Act and Telecommunications Act. We have Canada's anti-spam legislation. These are not trivial issues. These are administrative tribunals that are very highly respected.
I spoke earlier about the administrative tribunals support service that provides administrative services to tribunals. It supports 12 federal tribunals, including the Competition Tribunal and the Social Security Tribunal. We've seen that it cuts time in terms of access to justice and getting to the outcomes as quickly as possible. Right now, the OPC faces a two-year delay in getting to court. In the Social Security Tribunal, it's less than 100 days.
There are significant benefits in terms of getting to the outcomes faster and in a cheaper way, because tribunals, typically, don't have the same formal rules as a court. Parties do not need to retain legal counsel. The more formal and procedural a setting is, the more need for legal counsel, so a tribunal really allows parties to access justice in a way that's cheaper and faster.