Thank you for that. That sounds like it makes sense to me.
It sounds like removing the tribunal not only makes any appeal process more costly, more time-consuming and perhaps less effective but also opens up the possibility for constitutional challenges, which may remove the teeth from the OPC. Those sound like pretty significant unintended consequences of simply saying, “Well, we don't like the tribunal. It seems overly bureaucratic or something.” It's very tough because, at this point, I think your testimony has provided such great, detailed evidence for why this is truly needed. However, I don't sense that my colleagues on the other side are being swayed by the very good and in-depth arguments being made.
Some of the things that came up in some of the other aspects of this conversation, or in other parts of it, were joint investigations or interjurisdictional collaborations, let's say, between the federal OPC and the provinces or territories. Mr. Chhabra mentioned proposed subsection 119(2), I think, about agreements with provinces and territories.
Could you go into that a bit more and reassure us that some part of the bill allows for and contemplates joint efforts as both possible and maybe even encouraged where needed?