It's the first time. That's even more important.
As for our witnesses today, we have Edward Iacobucci, professor and Toronto Stock Exchange chair in capital markets in the faculty of law at my alma mater, U of T. I didn't go to law school there; I was just an undergrad. We have Jennifer Quaid, associate professor and vice-dean, research, civil law section in the faculty of law at the University of Ottawa. We have Thomas Ross, professor emeritus at the Sauder School of Business, UBC, who's on video conference. From the Canadian Anti-Monopoly Project, we have Keldon Bester, the executive director. Finally, from OpenMedia, we have Matthew Hatfield, the executive director.
Thank you all for coming.
All sound tests have been done, and all witnesses appearing remotely seem to be successfully logged in.
I'll turn it over to our first witness, Dr. Iacobucci, for five minutes.