Thank you. This is my last point.
Frankly, what this drills down to is the ability for us to balance the playing field and ensure that the impact on these businesses, as well as the people they're supporting, is such that they don't drop by the wayside over time and we don't have basically one option for the consumer. Partly, it's the consumer who will drive that agenda, but ensuring that they have the choice is something this legislation has to look at in the future. Then we won't necessarily see the mergers and acquisitions from the top end, but from the bottom end, which is sometimes hidden, as the “performance” to the “performers”. That is exactly what some of the bigger players are imposing on the consumer, ultimately. It's about buying power and the minimums that have to be established. Those who can't meet the buying power minimum fall by the wayside. Then there are fewer options for the consumer and there are impacts on the labour market.