Thank you. That's a very good question.
At present, there is every indication that we will succeed in creating a quantum computer. All our scientific and technological advances are leading us to that goal. Although it is a hard road and there are still a lot of advances to be made, we are not seeing any major obstacles. In recent years, we have gone from small devices to online devices that we can really make work, but there are still challenges to be overcome and work to be done.
Part of the national quantum strategy funds NSERC, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, which enables Canadian researchers to explore all sorts of approaches leading to quantum computers, to help them achieve that goal. I talked about strategic choices earlier. Canada could choose a few possible architectures and invest in those avenues. It is possible for Canada to make that choice without it being at the expense of broader exploration, which is needed, thanks to the investments already announced for NSERC.