Okay, I'll jump in.
I like what I see being rolled out, and my Alberta colleagues like it. The way I perceive the national quantum strategy is that it's different from the AI strategy from Genome Canada. It's really saying that we have existing mechanisms to provide funding and we'll do a quantum bump in funding. It kind of lowers the bar a bit for all kinds of projects. There are big projects like CFI/MSI programs. There's internship through Mitacs, etc. I see this as a great step. We have all these existing mechanisms. This doesn't put us in quantum on the spot saying that we're somehow treated as special.
These different agencies are really experienced in knowing what they're looking for and vetting the proposals. This idea of a quantum bump to every possible funding envelope and having us go through the normal procedure I think is a real strength.
It does matter to us in Alberta a lot because, again, in some ways we're a new kid on the block. How much do we direct our funding towards maintaining existing strengths versus letting up-and-comers step in? I think this is a good way to do it.