MP Masse is not the only one who's been in contact with whistle-blowers. I've had a lot of conversations with them since this became an issue and they went public on it after their unsatisfactory response from the government. In fact, we've had them in. On the subpoena you referred to, I don't know if it was in this committee or another committee that we were doing that.
Just to be clear, I will reiterate that we've had great conversations to try to get to today. As some of the members know, or at least the opposition members, our original proposal was for two weeks. In the spirit of compromise, we said, well, let's give the clerk and the committee a little more time, but be somewhere in there. It could happen next week. It could happen two weeks from now. It would provide a little more flexibility, also given the schedule of some members, to allow that to happen. Through that process, we've now gotten to a position where two meetings for four hours have been put down to one meeting and been pushed off.
I think there was a lot of compromise going on before we got to this meeting to try to accommodate everyone, so for anyone to suggest that I or anyone else played political games.... I think the political games have gone on here. Amendments that were proposed were contrary to the conversations we had before that with the parties in the opposition about what would happen. All of a sudden, on both sides of the opposition table in terms of the other parties, contradictions have happened here in the committee.
I'm just pointing out that I'm more than willing to prepare and do all those compromises and work on that stuff together beforehand in the meetings as we do, but only if people live by those things when they come to this meeting. They don't seem to do that. It happened here through supporting amendments to my motion that are contrary to the compromise motion we agreed to.
If you want to air dirty laundry in public, we can air dirty laundry in public. I don't want to do that.