Mr. Littler, allow me take this opportunity to ask you another question. I asked the other witnesses questions about the fact that the government had sort of insisted on rate cuts. It apparently told Visa and Mastercard, if I'm not mistaken, that if they didn't agree with the government, they would be forced to lower their rates. That's a strong incentive because it appears that the banking industry is prepared to take many measures to avoid regulation.
It was said at the time that these voluntary agreements between Visa and Mastercard on the one hand, and the government on the other, would encourage other actors to follow their example. If I'm not mistaken, however, American Express hasn't yet decided whether to do so, and other actors, in certain cases, are slow to join the movement.
Can this voluntary approach be sustainable?
As for codes of conduct, I can understand why people say the situation needs to evolve quickly. I can accept that argument.
Why have other countries decided to regulate interchange fees, and, ultimately, why didn't the banking system collapse following that decision?