I apologize, Mr. Gaheer. There were some interruptions in the connection, but if I understand the gist of the question, it's about why Canada may approach interchange fees from a certain perspective when regulating or not, compared to other countries that regulate.
What I can say is about the mandate of the bureau. We enforce the Competition Act. That is the enforcement part of our mandate—how companies are behaving in the marketplace—and we try to promote competition.
We are not a policy-maker that would make decisions about whether regulation is appropriate. We do have a general perspective on that matter, which is that, wherever possible, market forces should be allowed to work, because we think that is how competition can work to its fullest. That's not to say there are never opportunities where regulation may be required. Markets do fail, and in those situations, what we always recommend is that it be minimally intrusive and address the policy problem at hand but still allow competition to work as much as possible.
I recognize that there are other approaches taken in other countries. It's just not something the bureau leads on from our mandate.