The idea of using the properties of the quantum world to develop technologies is not new. The first ideas were launched in the 1970s. There was a real turning point around the 1980s and around 1994, when an American researcher realized that it was possible to factor numbers that are the product of two prime numbers. This is called “Shor's algorithm.”
This algorithm sounds very abstract, but it is what underlies all the cryptography used today.
The idea of building a quantum computer dates back some 25 to 30 years. That's why I call it a marathon, not a sprint. However, in the last five years, industry has really jumped on board and there have been efforts in several countries to translate quantum information into devices.
So the strategy is associated with a marathon.
I can't tell you when we'll be able to produce quantum computers that will be able to do things that will be interesting to you and your colleagues around the table. My colleagues in industry might be able to make a more accurate prediction than I can, but I would be surprised if it happens within 10 years. It's a long haul.