That's a very good question.
Funds should be distributed in such a way that there is a positive interaction between universities and industry. Making a quantum computer is incredibly complex. Universities can create really simple prototypes and lay out principles of operation, but it's the industry that integrates all this to build a quantum computer. The reason is simple: students spend three, four, or five years in university doing their master's or doctoral studies, but it takes even longer to build a quantum computer, and that requires follow‑up.
The national quantum strategy should really include a partnership between universities and industry, rather than treating the two separately.
The idea behind the quantum ecosystem that I've talked about several times today is to bring universities and industry together so that they can benefit from each other. The distribution of funding between industry and academia should depend on the project and its size. The allocation won't be the same for a research project as for an integration project or a quantum computer manufacturing project. If you're asking me for a number—