When you look at all grocery items, the one item that has increased the most in the last two years is olive oil at almost 80%, but the second is baby formula, at 57%. The reason we've seen an incredible increase in baby formula prices is that we used to manufacture baby formula in Canada, but now we import it from the U.S., and there were two manufacturers in the U.S. that actually had some issues with food safety: Abbott and Nestlé. We started to import baby formula from Europe for a while, but it really didn't push prices lower, so prices basically just increased.
Now we do have a plant in Kingston, Ontario, manufacturing baby formula. It's called Canada Royal Milk. It's owned by China. It processes Canadian milk, and it now sells formula at $41 for 900 grams, which is the cheapest baby formula you can find in Canada, but it is a plant owned by China, so right now sales aren't necessarily robust.