I also want to ask you about net revenue losses. My understanding is that the net revenue losses in the agri-food system due to climate change have been projected to be extremely high. Agri-Food Canada was projecting net revenue losses of 49.2% in 2023 for Quebec farmers. That's a significant amount. We're not talking about 1% or 2% here. We're talking about 49.2%, and 86.5% in 2024. The Canadian Climate Institute has projected that in the year 2025—essentially this year coming up—the losses for Canada's economy due to climate change would be $25 billion a year, and that number would triple or quadruple by mid-century.
I guess what I'm asking is this: Isn't the cost of the impacts of climate change on our economy and on our farmers and their crop yields so significant that we can't afford to not address climate change?