No, I wasn't quite finished.
There's something I learned in the procedure and House affairs committee called the Simms protocol, which you can invoke, at times, to have these informal exchanges, but I did not give permission to cede the floor to Mr. Perkins. He just jumped in and interrupted me, but that's fine; we're used to that at this committee.
When the witnesses who are public servants, who I think do a great job and work very hard every day to serve in their capacities, commit to providing documents and information that was requested by the committee, I'm not sure that we need to have a motion to compel them to do something they've already voluntarily agreed to. That's my issue with this motion. I'm just not sure what the rationale is, other than the political motivation that might be behind it.
That's all I have to say for the moment, Mr. Chair, but I think I will have more to say on this in just a moment.