On the question of an anti-competitive merger and the power of the minister to use public interest overrides, again I have a bit of concern. One is this concept that we had to move away from the power that is vested with ministers to use the public interest option to approve a merger that you deem to be anti-competitive. There was a good case for that until a few years back, when we had real free trade, international trade. Now international free trade is dead. Now we are moving toward onshoring, friendshoring, alliances and things like that. When that is the case, each country has its own policy to protect its own industry.
I know the negative aspects of protecting an industry like the banking industry we have here or the telecom industry we have here. With the changing global scenario, I'm not sure whether we should continue to be a boy scout when it comes to competitive practices. I don't know. I'm still in a dilemma. If you can add some comments on that, that would be great.